Upload project

Upload your project to Conservation Guide. We've broken it down into 3 steps so that once you have completed a step, you can come back at any time and complete the next one.

Project Upload Step 1


Keep your project name and summary short and descriptive as this will help conservationists find it via Google.

The name of the organisation who runs this project.

Max file size 10MB.

Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.

We recommend choosing the only most relevant category, and an additional one if necessary. This helps conservationists to find your project more easily.


If your project spans multiple countries please specify the country where the main camp is located.

If your experience spans multiple provinces please specify the province where the main camp is located.

Add a link to the location of your project's main camp. Read how to get your Google Maps Link.


Features function like tags, so add anything here that conservationists might be searching for, e.g. animals, activities, habitat, etc. Separate each feature with a comma.

Add a detailed description of the project (max 3500 characters).

Add the times of the year the project is active and conservationists can participate on it.


Add a Youtube/Vimeo link to a video about the project.

Max file size 10MB per image. If you would like to add additional images, please email hello@conservationguide.org

Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Upload failed. Max size for files is 10 MB.
Thank you for uploading Step 1 of your project!

We will review the details and will be in touch soon to discuss any questions we might have.

Please continue to Step 2...
Oops! There was a problem with one or more of the details you entered. Please check your details above and try again.

Project Upload Step 2

Please use the same project name that you used in Step 1.


Add any certifications the conservationist will receive by participating in the project.

Add all the activities and/or skills the conservationist will learn.

How much time each day/week will the conservationist be expected to contribute?

What can conservationists expect during a typical day?

What other activities are available for conservationists to do in the area during their free time?


E.g. mixed dorm, private rooms, tents, hammocks, etc.

Add some details on all the accommodation options.

Add all the available facilities the conservationist can make use of.

Add some details on all the facilities provided to conservationists, including any rules and/or restrictions.

Add a brief description of how many staff are available to support conservationists on-site.

Add a brief description of any on-site security.

Add a brief description of any meals provided.

Add a brief description of any internet access available on-site.

Add a brief description of the quality of the mobile phone coverage on-site.

Add the nearest facilities that it might be important for the conservationist to know, e.g. hospital, hyperbaric chamber.

Add a brief description of how to get there, or any airport pickup available.

Thank you for uploading Step 2 of your project!

We will review the details and will be in touch soon to discuss any questions we might have.

Please continue to Step 3...
Oops! There was a problem with one or more of the details you entered. Please check your details above and try again.

Project Upload Step 3

Please use the same project name that you used in Step 1.


E.g. fluent English, basic Spanish...

E.g. valid passport, proof of insurance...

E.g. PADI Open Water, bachelor's degree...

E.g. doctor's note certifying fitness...

Add any other requirements

What gear should conservationists bring with them to make life easier?

Included Services

Do you provide any services to assist the conservationist before they arrive?

Add a brief description of any support services available on-site.


Add a full breakdown of the project pricing and how it works, including payment instalments.

Add any services you wish to make clear are not included in the project price. E.g. flights, insurance, vaccination, airport transfer, etc.

Thank you for uploading Step 3 of your project - you're all done!

We will review the details and will be in touch soon to discuss any questions we might have.
Oops! There was a problem with one or more of the details you entered. Please check your details above and try again.